The tale of Tracy Turnblat and dance as a weapon against segregation, set in 1960s America. Also John Travolta in drag reprising the part played by Divine in the original 1988 movie, a film I must have seen a couple of times but really do not recollect. Well, that might be just as well. This is not a political movie, despite the theme. It is a very 'feelgood' film though. It a good old fashioned musical (and provided you accept the ludicrous nature of these films you'll be fine). Every night the teenage population of Baltimore rush home to see the nightly dance based music show on the local television station. Tracy is obsessed with becoming a dancer on the show. Her reclusive overweight mother (played by Travolta) is not convinced that she can achieve her aim - but she does! Once a month there is a 'negro day' programme. Young Tracy can't accept that every night cannot be 'negro night'. Joining the black students at her school she becomes a part of a campaign to 'integrate' the programme and have mixed dancing on the show. Her mother supports her and the film ends with the achievement of integration and a young black dancer becoming 'Miss Hairspray'. My rating? 7/10