What a great disappointment this film was. I think it was trying to be an epic, and a sort of saga/ fairy story or parable, and as a result there was a great deal of seemingly pointless riding (or galloping) about of horeseback, chatting to wolves masquerading as a local God, and totally

inexplicable escapes of the 'with one bound he was free type'. So for example at one point the young Ghengis (confusingly called throughout the film by a totally different name) disappeared through a snowdrift into freezing water, and moments later he was walking into a camp to meet the man who would become his blood brother, and evental rival and enemy. Later he was shot in the back with an arrow, his horse his sent off home with him in the saddle (arrow still in back) and then the next scene but one has him walking into another camp. So many things not explained. His wife has two children, but one seems to have been conceived while she was abucted by Ghengis' mother's first husband, the second while Ghengis was enslaved in a Chinese town. He doesn't seem to doubt their parentage at all. Even the great battle scene is a bit tame and there is a lot of the typical Chinese film action with whirling knives and swords and leaping. Although captions were flashed up on the screen giving dates of events I still didn't get the continuity nor were characters properly developed. Ghengis motivation seemed largely ignored. In an early scene Ghengis selects his bride (he was only 9) and said he would return for her 5 years later. Some 15 years later (or more - I was unclear) he bumps into her again (bearing in mind these are nomadic people I found it hard to understand how people found one another except by accident) and says 'I said I'd come back for you'. Did he not have any romantic entanglements in the meanwhile - and how risky was that during that time? I also didn't understand how he could make so many superhero escapes - totally alone, but then turn up with entire armies of men - where did he gather them from? So all in all not a success. Rating: 5/10