Sheba (Cate Blanchett) is a woman who has married an older man, had two children (one with Downs' Syndrome) and become a teacher in a difficult North London School. She is extremely lost. Barbara is coming towards the end of her career and is desperate to cure her loneliness by making contact and a real connection with one other person. Sheba begins a sexual affair with Steven Connolly - a 15 year old pupil (Andrew Simpson). Barabara finds out and uses the information to 'capture' Sheba as her own significant other.
This is a truly dark film about manipulation, criminality, loss and relationship - but it is surprisingly funny in so many places. The tension and suspense is so well supported by Philip Glass' thunderous music.
Eventually everyone is destroyed by the unfolding effects of Sheba's irresponsible compulsion (in fact all thre main characters have the sin of compulsion and obsession). Steven has the typical schoolboy (and he is just a boy despite the blindness of both Steven and Sheba) obsession with sex, Sheba is obsessed with having a thrilling escape from the confines of a suffocating family life. Barbara has delusions about her own potential and relationships with others.
All is laid out in her journal for us to see.
Despite the superficial appearance that this a situation so extreme as to be fantastical, this film is so real and believable - it draws you in, and you retain sympathy for all the characters - until you realise how awful they are - Sheba is (to put it mildly) in a grossly inappropriate - if not paedophiliac - relationship, Barbara a blackmailing serial stalker, Steven a liar and totally unable to control his urges.
My rating? 9/10 SUPERB!!
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