Appropriately it begins in 1984 in the GDR. If this is an accurate depiction of life in the former East Germany it really must have been a scary place to be. The Stasi (the State Security) were watching and listening out for every possible dissent. The film follows one agent of State Security listening in to the goings-on with the apartment of a writer who had been seen as one of the pillars of the state - but was suspected of being not quite what he seems. As the story unfolds this agent becomes drawn into the lives of the couple he ius overhearing, and begins to bend the rules and overlook some of things he sees and hears. The incorruptable becomes corrupted - not by money or bribery but by emotion.
This is so sinister as a film, and it captures the bleakness of Eastern European life wonderfully. Although the story is bleak, scary and sinister, this is achieved by a marvellous plot, camera work and music that is so quiet that it impinges sub consciously to evoke fear. I was so drawn in by this film I think it is outstanding. Go see it if it gets to a cinema near you. Rating: 10/10
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