Starring the bizarrely named Shia Labeouf (a young male star - made up name I hope) and Megan Fox, and variously people disguised as vehicles that transform themselves into robots/organic life forms. Based on the toys of the same name. It is obviously the summer season because there is a glut of films aimed at a 'younger audience' - not generally highly intellectual films, or terribly thoughtful or thought provoking. There's nothing wrong with a good action movie or thriller, but this probably isn't that good. I think the problem is that it can't make up its' mind whether it is an action movie, a love story, a comedy, a drama or a teen movie. So geeky young Shia has the offer of a car from his father and instead of a Porsche that he desires he goes to a second hand car lot where he is a 'adopted' by a clapped out motor. This vehicle turns out to be an autobot (a car which turns into a robot in disguise - hence transformers). This vehicle is just one of several autobots locked in an eternal battle with the evil decepticons in search of 'the cube' which turns out to be hidden under the Hoover Dam. The cube is (naturally) the source of remarkable powers - for good or evil - that could lead to Decepticons ruling the universe and the elimination of the human race. The story line does hold the attention and there are some good action moments and battle scenes, but this is really only a slightly above average film. Rating: 7/10