Friday, 6 July 2007

Tell No One

Just a passing comment - but why are most of the good films around at the moment mainly foreign language - or is it just my strange taste in films?
I many ways this French film is a traditional murder mystery but there are so many twists and turns it is raised above the average. How much of the plot can I give away - well the central character is a paediatrician whose wife was murdered eight years previuosly. He was suspected of complicity, and this suspicion is revived when the bodies of two men are discovered close to the scene of her abduction. There are so many twists to this tale - he is under surveillance from both the police and another sinister group, there is one of the most bizarre by exciting chases I've ever seen in the cinema, he gets rescued by the father of one of his patients - a sinister underworld hardman, his father-in-law (and ex policeman) starts behaving very suspiciously, there are murders, an emails that pull the story off in another direction. All together this is a film worth seeing - as a thriller and a well produced one at that. Rating: 8/10
By the way the title means nothings - despite an injunction to 'Tell No One' the hero seems to tell everyone he knows!

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