My companion at this film was so bored he fell asleep, and hated the parts he remembered with a passion. I on the other hand laughed throughout.
The film is about three brothers who go to India to 'find themselves' and meet their mother who (quite naturally) has become a nun in a monastery in the foothills of the Himalayas. The joke of course is that these three brothers appear totally unalike, and have absolutely no intention of finding themselves spiritually - it would appear that the affluent life, treating others badly, ignoring the needs or feelings of others suits them just fine. They board a train to cross India and stop off at various places - in one case to see 'the most spiritual temple in the East' and end up buying a snake, enormously expensive shoes, and other bric a brac without gaining anything spiritual from the visit. OK this isn't great cinema, but it is full of good one line gags (the first part which involves one of the brothers in a hotel room in Paris being surprised by his former girlfriend is a joy). I'd rate it 6/10 - my companion probably 0/0.
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