I essence the alleged birthplace of Fats Waller in New Jersey happens to be a video rental store. Now here you have the first of my problems - surely VHS has gone the way of audiotapes and 78 rpm records? Anyway Jack Black becomes magnetised during an attempt to neutralise a local electricity sub station and thereby wipes clean all the stores video tapes, whilst owner Danny Glover is out of town on a fact finding mission to save the building from being demolished by developers. Meanwhile, back in the store, because the customers won't accept the lack of tapes Jack Black and store manager Mos Def set out to re-create the most popular films - well according to the poster with hilarious results. In fact this didn't make me laugh at all, it was dull, unimaginative, and in places offensive. The cast are all stereotypes, and as the pair end up producing a community involvement documentary on the life of Fats Waller it just becomes sentimental twaddle. Rating: a yawn producing 3/10
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