This British films stars two first time actors (pictured) and centres on an unlikely friendship between school troublemaker Lee Carter and religiously excluded loner, William. Naturally these two total opposites accidentally collide and conspire together to shoot a film in an attempt to win a
prize on the BBC TV children's film quiz programme Screen Test. William decides he will become Son of Rambo(w). The story is set against the backdrop of the arrival of a bus load of French foreign Exchange students including the exotic Didier. I have to say I found this film a tad unsatisfactory. The first part is slow moving, and then it suddenly gains legs and becomes a bit of a romp, with some above average gags about movie making and school life. It then rapidly descends into mawkish sentimentality, and the 'message' is somewhat trite. This has been compared (wrongly to my mind) with the coming of age film starring River Phoenix - Stand By Me. I'm sorry, for once the Americans can do it better. At the showing I went to several parents had taken their teenage children to watch, but I think it was the adults (who were probably at school in the 80s) who seemed to be enjoying themselves most. Rating - just 6/10

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