armed struggle'. There are two films here - the first begins with Che Guevara's meeting with Fidel Castro in Mexico City and ends with the successful overthrow of the Batista regime in 1959. Part II traces Che's arrival in Bolivia as part of the Cuban campaign for world revolution and a United Socialist Latin America, and culminates with his execution by government forces. Now many will find thew approach of these films unsatisfactory - it is nor your standard Hollywood biopic, it is a factual drama documentary seen entirely from Che's perspective - but this doesn't mean it shows him without flaws or a military genius. I found it fascinating, especially the second part where the realisation begins to dawn in Che that his brand of socialism and his revolution is not welcomed with joy by the Bolivian working classes who fail to flock to his insurrection. All the previous methods - free medicine, indoctrination, propaganda, finance and guerrilla warfare fail comprehensively - even to the point where an ordinary soldier almost begs to be the man to act as his executioner. I was impressed by the way I managed to get a far better understanding of the man through these two films - Rating 8/10
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